Design and development of a questionnaire delphi method chord with virtual laboratories for selecting (LV)
The selection of tools to work virtually the practical component in university education is a complex decision where many factors. Objective. Describe the design, adaptation and validation of a questionnaire to select LVs. Methodology-Delphi expert consultation was used to identify the criteria that determine the relevance of the LVs in higher education. For this purpose two groups of cooperative work is created and started from a structured questionnaire that you were adding or modifying the criteria or variables according to the different opinions of experts during three successive rounds. The responses were analyzed statistically. Maximum correlation coefficient of r = 0.93 was obtained, showing a high degree of validity. The method of internal consistency with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of r = 0.814 and a confidence level of 95% (p ≤ 0.05) was used for the reliability, while for the method of two halves, the coefficient of internal consistency in Cronbach’s alpha is the first half of 0736 and the second half of 0718, the coefficients resulting from the test halves indicate a high reliability index. Heading for administration was constituted I 10 criteria. According to the results, we can say that the questionnaire has been constructed and validated for the assessment of LVs is composed of valid and reliable features.Downloads
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Diseño y elaboración de un cuestionario acorde con el método Delphi para seleccionar laboratorios virtuales (LV)
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