The curriculum : a critical reflection

  • Luis Alberto Malagón Plata Profesor Universidad del Tolima Estudiante de Doctorado UCR


The present work shows “The Curriculum†as a fundamental object of reflection. The first part, aims to present an analytical vision of education as a social phenomenon, focusing in the teleological and, social aspects and marking the different approaches that, from that field, have conceptualized education, including some references to post-structuralist and post-modern educational views.The second part, highlights the conceptual analysis of curriculum, its scopes and limitations, and its double nature as a whole in the theory-practice relation (PEJ and Pedagogical practice, on one hand; and, the “school†– context relation, on the other hand). Finally, the third part, assumes the curriculum critical vision, the tensions generated towards the cultural relativity and its real possibilities in the generation of an Institutional descontextualization and recontextualization process that tune “school†with the “feelings†of the new century.


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How to Cite
Malagón Plata, L. A. (1). The curriculum : a critical reflection. Sophia, 1, 83-103. Retrieved from
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