Establishment margin lifetime heliconia inflorescence bihai C.V. lobster claw for cutting and moisturizing effect in vase

  • Gloria María Aroyave Quiceno Ingeniera agroindustrial Universidad La Gran Colombia
  • Luís Miguel Mejía Giraldo Universidad La Gran Colombia


This investigation is achieve wanted answer the question: the condition of cut, long of stem and hidratation in vase improvement the quality aesthetic and duration in vase of the flowers of Helliconia bihai c.v. Lobster Claw.Determination how variable to elevate the days what is delay the flowers in present damage glance in vase; and how variable to measure the centimeter of burn present in the half flower.Is achieved a desing experiment in settlement factorial 32x2, whit three level of cut; two length of stem and three way of hidratation in vase, in its turn is apply a regressive loggit of the better treatment and a analysis low test comparative ofTukey whith 95% of trust.The flowers present a duration in vase of ten days; the what want say, what of this specie if is carry out the condition of cut and portharvest propose in this investigation take a long time in wither of seventeen days, starting from moment of cut.


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How to Cite
Aroyave Quiceno, G. M., & Mejía Giraldo, L. M. (2006). Establishment margin lifetime heliconia inflorescence bihai C.V. lobster claw for cutting and moisturizing effect in vase. Sophia, 2, 11-20. Retrieved from
Artículos de investigación