Written production of 5th and 9th graders elementary school framed on the preparation of “saber” tests in armenia and quindio region

  • Miguel Ángel Caro Lopera Universidad del Quindío
  • Carlos Alberto Castrillón Universidad del Quindío
  • José Rodolfo Rivera Universidad del Quindío
Keywords: Didactics, Writing, dimensions and levels of the text, argumentative text, Saber test


  This report summarizes the results of a research project emerged from the analysis of a writing question addressed to public th th school 5 and 9 graders through the “Saber†test drill in Armenia and Quindío Region. Some reflections are hence derived from the teaching processes on native language writing, as well as recommendations on writing didactics. The project was structured from a mixed approach between the quantitative and qualitative method and from Van Dijk models (1980 1997 and 1998) also from Beaugrande and Dressler (1997). The Corpus evaluation found problems on the pragmatic dimension and the super structural, macro structural, micro structural and rhetorical levels. As a result from the analysis is the proposal of ten strategic didactics front lines for the writing skill, all of them in accordance with the curriculum guidance of the Spanish language and the basic language competences standards above all regarding the conception of the text as an act of communication and writing as a process.


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How to Cite
Caro LoperaM. Ángel, Castrillón, C. A., & Rivera, J. R. (2012). Written production of 5th and 9th graders elementary school framed on the preparation of “saber” tests in armenia and quindio region. Sophia, 1(8), 60-79. Retrieved from https://revistas.ugca.edu.co/index.php/sophia/article/view/13
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