Cultural relativism: challenges and alternatives

  • Juan Carlos Aguirre García universidad de cauca


The following article attempts to offer some alternatives to the interesting challenges stated by the so called “Cultural Relativismâ€. Therefore, to begin with, a characterization of the Cultural Relativism and its consequences are briefl y outlined. Thereafter, three cases are shown to illustrate extreme postures from which the impossibility of any criteria to judge objectively among diverse ways of behavior, ways to evaluate criteria and ways to rule can be inferred. Alternatives to those apparently insoluble ways will be subsequently presented. The background of this discussion is been supported by the achievements of some thinkers circumscribed as “Realism†given that this epistemological stance have confronted the problem with greater attention.KEY WORDS Skepticism, critical thinking, rationality, realism, cultural relativism.


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How to Cite
Aguirre García, J. C. (2011). Cultural relativism: challenges and alternatives. Sophia, 7(1), 58-66.
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