Processes of research training in the university: what is left for the students?

  • Hector Mauricio Rojas Betancur Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Raquel Méndez Villamizar Universidad Industrial de Santander
Keywords: Training, research, attitude, students, universities.


Research training is a central component in the education of young university students in today’s society, and the attitude toward this training can be an indicator on the quality of the training processes and the possibility of early entry of students into university research systems and training of scientists. In the present cross-correlational study, the attitude of the young persons is evaluated based on three elements: self-perception, incidence of teachers and incidence of universities on research training at undergraduate level. A structured instrument was applied to students from eight universities in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga, Colombia, by simple random sampling. It is highlighted the high value that students assign to learning about research in the university, but the low projection and attitude of the majority towards the scientific subjects. In addition, it was found that teachers have a high level of impact on the student’s attitude toward research, while social and institutional factors do not have a serious incidence. Finally, the study shows a downward trend in the attitude toward higher level research at the university.


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Author Biographies

Hector Mauricio Rojas Betancur, Universidad Industrial de Santander
Sociólogo, Magíster en Salud Pública, Doctor en Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud.
Raquel Méndez Villamizar, Universidad Industrial de Santander
Trabajadora Social, Magister en Estudios del Desarrollo,  Candidata a Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales.


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How to Cite
Rojas Betancur, H. M., & Méndez Villamizar, R. (2017). Processes of research training in the university: what is left for the students?. Sophia, 13(2), 53-69.
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