Art-therapy and Asperger Syndrome: ¿why, and what for?

  • Pedro José Regis Sansalonis UNIVERSIDAD DE JAÉN
Keywords: asperger´s syndrome, art therapy, colective, education, skills and abilities.


The purpose of this article is to explain the reason and importance of using art-therapy in groups dealing with Asperger Syndrome, through a bibliographic review, specially of secondary sources as a research work. Finally, it is recognized the scarce bibliography found, and the need of continuing to investigate art-therapy in this social group, still unknown by most of the society.


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Author Biography

Pedro José Regis Sansalonis, UNIVERSIDAD DE JAÉN
Doctorando en el Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal
How to Cite
Regis Sansalonis, P. J. (2016). Art-therapy and Asperger Syndrome: ¿why, and what for?. Sophia, 12(2), 187-194.
Artículos de investigación