The confidence in the classroom as axis transformer in the education

  • Carlos Mejía Bustamante Director Escuela de Pedagogía e Investigación Educativa (EPIE) de la UGCA, licenciado en educación básica con énfasis en ciencias sociales, Esp. en pedagogía y docencia universitaria, Mg. en Educación y Desarrollo Humano. Armenia, Quindío, Colombia.
  • Ana Lucía Urrea Henao Mg. en Educación. Esp. en Ética, Pedagogía y Filósofa e investigadora en Ciencias Sociales, Docente de la UGCA. . Armenia, Quindío, Colombia.
Keywords: Classroom, trust, education, formation, transformation


In a study conducted by the Ministry of Municipal Education of Armenia, it showed levels of difficulty with respect to the trust and the school deal. From these results, the School of Pedagogy and Educational Research takes these two variables doing an exploration of how the trust and interpersonal relationships in grades with only one teacher, degrees with teachers by area and in the family, with the aim to generate some thought processes and ways to transform the dynamics of the classroom.The findings of the inquiry conducted by the School of Education reveal that in relation to confidence neither degrees with only teachers nor teachers by area or family area there is a construction of solid tissue of trust and good relationship, the key to building dynamic pedagogical processes that allow learning; for this it was made an exercise of accompaniment in some schools in order to propose and visualize routes to rebuilding trust and change of action of teachers in relation to the relationships of students, expecting that this will impact the school environment, cooperation in the classroom, the desire to be in the classroom and learning conditions.All this arise from the current urgency to make education an event that impacts the individual and social life of students. It means understanding that the education is a human event, whose main center is the human dialogue as creator of confidence net, alternative classroom enchantment, from a connivance with meaning allowing the strength of those lessons, which surely, will bring a transformed and transforming society. A deeply humane and caring society.Thus opens a sincere commitment to building confidence in the classroom and fraternal human gesture of what is expected to be a huge and urgent opportunity to re-enchant the classroom for a different social order.


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How to Cite
Mejía Bustamante, C., & Urrea Henao, A. L. (1). The confidence in the classroom as axis transformer in the education. Sophia, 11(2), 223-236. Retrieved from
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