A phenomenological interpretation of violence in children’s everyday life

  • Maria Leonor Morales Vasco
Keywords: phenomenology, everyday violence, children’s way to make sense of the world, education for conflict resolution


This document is the result of a study carried out in 2012 with children aged between 5 and 10 years, (who are) elementary school students in an educational institution in the municipality of La Tebaida (Quindío province). Its purpose was to achieve a description of the world of meaning of the boys, in order to unveil the ‘codes’ with which they read everyday situations and understand conflict and violence; hence, the use of qualitative tools in order to get into their everyday lives: In-depth personal interviews, group interviews, observation and recording in notes diary, review of documents (anecdotes, family files, follow-up minutes, institutional documents, among others). This article presents some generalities on studies about violence; then, it addresses daily life as a study space. Phenomenology is used as a method. Among the conclusions, it must be pointed out that in the phenomenological discussion about the consolidation of action and interpretation schemes, this research shows that children do have such schemes, not in an embryonic stage, but structured schemes throughout their years of life, which require refinement and precision; that leaves education with enormous possibilities of proposing forms other than violence for resolving conflicts.


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How to Cite
Morales Vasco, M. L. (2019). A phenomenological interpretation of violence in children’s everyday life. Sophia, 15(1), 73-82. https://doi.org/10.18634/sophiaj.15v.1i.904
Artículos de investigación