Educadores emocionalmente inteligentes: chaves e estrategias para uma aprendizagem significativa
Uno de los principales desafíos de la educación es prepararse como próximas gerencias para autorregularse, aprender y transformar ambientes emocionalmente diversos y complejos. Embora a literatura científica tenha abordado ampliamente la importancia de la inteligencia emocional y el reconocimiento de sus contribuciones para el bien estar y el desarrollo, como estrategias educativas voltadas para promover la emníveis individual y grupal não recebam atenção similar. En consecuencia, el objetivo de la investigación es explorar como principios estratégicos para el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional a partir de los educadores y su proyección en los diferentes procesos socioeducativos. Para tanto, é realizada una revisión cualitativa de la literatura, sustentada por una busca progresiva de fuentes relevantes mediante una demostración teórica, como por múltiples instrumentos de validación y comparación de dos achados. A análise segue os procedimentos da teoria fundamentada, permitindo uma representação parcial dos princípios para o desenvolvimento de estratégias promotoras da inteligência emocional. Os resultados confirmam a importância dos educadores emocionalmente inteligentes nos contextos educacionais e ressaltam como cruciais os caminhos para fomentar a inteligência dos estudantes. Entre las principales estrategias destacan el abordaje del clima psicológico en la sala de aula, el análisis cooperativo de problemas y la propuesta de soluciones conjuntas, así como la construcción de nuevas formas de acompañamiento. Concluyendo que es necesario profundizar en estrategias, principalmente por medio de diseños mistos complejos y contextualizados.Downloads
Alonso-Tapia, J., & Ruiz-Díaz, M. (2022). Student, teacher, and school factors predicting differences in classroom climate: A multilevel analysis. Learning and Individual Differences, 94, 102115.
Alzoubi, H. M., & Aziz, R. (2021). Does Emotional Intelligence Contribute to Quality of Strategic Decisions? The Mediating Role of Open Innovation. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(2), 130.
Barragán Martín, A. B., Molero Jurado, M. D. M., Pérez-Fuentes, M. D. C., Oropesa Ruiz, N. F., Martos Martínez, Á., Simón Márquez, M. D. M., & Gázquez Linares, J. J. (2021). Interpersonal Support, Emotional Intelligence and Family Function in Adolescence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), 5145.
Barragán Martín, A. B., Pérez-Fuentes, M. D. C., Molero Jurado, M. D. M., Martos Martínez, Á., Simón Márquez, M. D. M., Sisto, M., & Gázquez Linares, J. J. (2021). Emotional Intelligence and Academic Engagement in Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, Volume 14, 307–316.
Baudry, A., Grynberg, D., Dassonneville, C., Lelorain, S., & Christophe, V. (2018). Sub‐dimensions of trait emotional intelligence and health: A critical and systematic review of the literature. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 59(2), 206–222.
Borges Machín, A. Y., & González Bravo, Y. L. (2022). Educación comunitaria para un envejecimiento activo: Experiencia en construcción desde el autodesarrollo. Región Científica, 1(1), 202213.
Brackett, M. A., Bailey, C. S., Hoffmann, J. D., & Simmons, D. N. (2019). RULER: A Theory-Driven, Systemic Approach to Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning. Educational Psychologist, 54(3), 144–161.
Braun, S. S., Schonert-Reichl, K. A., & Roeser, R. W. (2020). Effects of teachers’ emotion regulation, burnout, and life satisfaction on student well-being. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 69, 101151.
Caena, F., & Vuorikari, R. (2022). Teacher learning and innovative professional development through the lens of the Personal, Social and Learning to Learn European key competence. European Journal of Teacher Education, 45(4), 456–475.
Chen, J., & Guo, W. (2020). Emotional intelligence can make a difference: The impact of principals’ emotional intelligence on teaching strategy mediated by instructional leadership. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 48(1), 82–105.
Cipriano, C., Barnes, T. N., Rivers, S. E., & Brackett, M. (2019). Exploring Changes in Student Engagement through the RULER Approach: An Examination of Students at Risk of
Academic Failure. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR), 24(1), 1–19.
Cleary, M., Visentin, D., West, S., Lopez, V., & Kornhaber, R. (2018). Promoting emotional intelligence and resilience in undergraduate nursing students: An integrative review. Nurse Education Today, 68, 112–120.
Cromwell, A. (2019). How peace education motivates youth peacebuilding: Examples from Pakistan. International Journal of Educational Development, 66, 62–69.
Denston, A., Martin, R., Fickel, L., & O’Toole, V. (2022). Teachers’ perspectives of social-emotional learning: Informing the development of a linguistically and culturally responsive framework for social-emotional wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand. Teaching and Teacher Education, 117, 103813.
Elsbach, K. D., & Van Knippenberg, D. (2020). Creating High‐Impact Literature Reviews: An Argument for ‘Integrative Reviews’. Journal of Management Studies, 57(6), 1277–1289.
Fitzgerald, M. M., Shipman, K., Pauletic, M., Ellesworth, K., & Dymnicki, A. (2022). Promoting educator social emotional competence, well-being, and student–educator relationships: A pilot study. Mental Health & Prevention, 26, 200234.
Frenzel, A. C., Daniels, L., & Burić, I. (2021). Teacher emotions in the classroom and their implications for students. Educational Psychologist, 56(4), 250–264.
Ghita-Pirnuta, O.-A., & Cismaru, L. (2022). Developing the Emotional Intelligence of Millennial Students: A Teaching Strategy. Sustainability, 14(21), 13890.
Gómez Cano, C. A. (2022). Ingreso, permanencia y estrategias para el fomento de los Semilleros de Investigación en una IES de Colombia. Región Científica, 1(1), 20226.
Hoferichter, F., Hirvonen, R., & Kiuru, N. (2021). The development of school well-being in secondary school: High academic buoyancy and supportive class- and school climate as buffers. Learning and Instruction, 71, 101377.
Hora, M. T., Benbow, R. J., & Smolarek, B. B. (2018). Re-thinking Soft Skills and Student Employability: A New Paradigm for Undergraduate Education. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 50(6), 30–37.
Kamboj, K. P., & Garg, P. (2021). Teachers’ psychological well-being role of emotional intelligence and resilient character traits in determining the psychological well-being of Indian school teachers. International Journal of Educational Management, 35(4), 768–788.
Kang, D.-M. (2022). An Elementary School EFL Teacher’s Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Labor. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 21(1), 1–14.
Kim, M., Wagner, D., & Jin, Q. (2021). Tensions and Hopes for Embedding Peace and Sustainability in Science Education: Stories from Science Textbook Authors. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 21(3), 501–517.
Kopnina, H. (2020). Education for the future? Critical evaluation of education for sustainable development goals. The Journal of Environmental Education, 51(4), 280–291.
Lei, H., Cui, Y., & Chiu, M. M. (2018). The Relationship between Teacher Support and Students’ Academic Emotions: A Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2288.
Macgilchrist, F., Allert, H., & Bruch, A. (2020). Students and society in the 2020s. Three future ‘histories’ of education and technology. Learning, Media and Technology, 45(1), 76–89.
Martínez-Monteagudo, M. C., Inglés, C. J., Granados, L., Aparisi, D., & García-Fernández, J. M. (2019). Trait emotional intelligence profiles, burnout, anxiety, depression, and stress in secondary education teachers. Personality and Individual Differences, 142, 53–61.
McCallops, K., Barnes, T. N., Berte, I., Fenniman, J., Jones, I., Navon, R., & Nelson, M. (2019). Incorporating culturally responsive pedagogy within social-emotional learning interventions in urban schools: An international systematic review. International Journal of Educational Research, 94, 11–28.
McKown, C. (2019). Challenges and Opportunities in the Applied Assessment of Student Social and Emotional Learning. Educational Psychologist, 54(3), 205–221.
Naylor, D., & Nyanjom, J. (2021). Educators’ emotions involved in the transition to online teaching in higher education. Higher Education Research & Development, 40(6), 1236–1250.
Nickerson, A. B., Fredrick, S. S., Allen, K. P., & Jenkins, L. N. (2019). Social emotional learning (SEL) practices in schools: Effects on perceptions of bullying victimization. Journal of School Psychology, 73, 74–88.
Okwuduba, E. N., Nwosu, K. C., Okigbo, E. C., Samuel, N. N., & Achugbu, C. (2021). Impact of intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional intelligence and self-directed learning on academic performance among pre-university science students. Heliyon, 7(3), e06611.
Panayiotou, M., Humphrey, N., & Wigelsworth, M. (2019). An empirical basis for linking social and emotional learning to academic performance. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 56, 193–204.
Pekrun, R. (2019). Inquiry on emotions in higher education: Progress and open problems. Studies in Higher Education, 44(10), 1806–1811.
Pekrun, R. (2021). Teachers need more than knowledge: Why motivation, emotion, and self-regulation are indispensable. Educational Psychologist, 56(4), 312–322.
Pérez Gamboa, A. J. (2022). La orientación educativa universitaria en Cuba: Situación actual en la formación no pedagógica. Conrado, 18(89), 75–86.
Pérez Gamboa, A. J., Echerri Garcés, D., & García Acevedo, Y. (2021). Proyecto de vida como categoría de la pedagogía de la Educación Superior: Aproximaciones a una teoría fundamentada. Transformación, 17(3), 542–563.
Puertas Molero, P., Zurita Ortega, F., Ubago Jiménez, J. L., & González Valero, G. (2019). Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Burnout Syndrome on Teachers Well-Being: A Systematic Review. Social Sciences, 8(6), 185.
Ricardo Jiménez, L. S. (2022). Dimensiones de emprendimiento: Relación educativa. El caso del programa cumbre. Región Científica, 1(1), 202210.
Roth, C. G., Eldin, K. W., Padmanabhan, V., & Friedman, E. M. (2019). Twelve tips for the introduction of emotional intelligence in medical education. Medical Teacher, 41(7), 746–749.
Ryan, T., & Henderson, M. (2018). Feeling feedback: Students’ emotional responses to educator feedback. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 43(6), 880–892.
Sanabria Martínez, M. J. (2022). Construir nuevos espacios sostenibles respetando la diversidad cultural desde el nivel local. Región Científica, 1(1), 20222.
Singla, D. R., Shinde, S., Patton, G., & Patel, V. (2021). The Mediating Effect of School Climate on Adolescent Mental Health: Findings From a Randomized Controlled Trial of a School-Wide Intervention. Journal of Adolescent Health, 69(1), 90–99.
Skura, M., & Świderska, J. (2022). The role of teachers’ emotional intelligence and social competences with special educational needs students. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 37(3), 401–416.
Tai, M. K., & Abdull Kareem, O. (2019). The relationship between emotional intelligence of school principals in managing change and teacher attitudes towards change. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 22(4), 469–485.
Thomas, C. L., & Allen, K. (2021). Driving engagement: Investigating the influence of emotional intelligence and academic buoyancy on student engagement. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 45(1), 107–119.
Valente, S., & Lourenço, A. A. (2020). Conflict in the Classroom: How Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence Influences Conflict Management. Frontiers in Education, 5, 5.
Valiente, C., Swanson, J., DeLay, D., Fraser, A. M., & Parker, J. H. (2020). Emotion-related socialization in the classroom: Considering the roles of teachers, peers, and the classroom context. Developmental Psychology, 56(3), 578–594.
Vesely-Maillefer, A. K., & Saklofske, D. H. (2018). Emotional Intelligence and the Next Generation of Teachers. En K. V. Keefer, J. D. A. Parker, & D. H. Saklofske (Eds.), Emotional Intelligence in Education (pp. 377–402). Springer International Publishing.
Wang, H., Hall, N. C., & King, R. B. (2021). A longitudinal investigation of teachers’ emotional labor, well-being, and perceived student engagement. Educational Psychology, 41(10), 1319–1336.
Williamson, B., Eynon, R., & Potter, J. (2020). Pandemic politics, pedagogies and practices: Digital technologies and distance education during the coronavirus emergency. Learning, Media and Technology, 45(2), 107–114.
Alonso-Tapia, J., & Ruiz-Díaz, M. (2022). Student, teacher, and school factors predicting differences in classroom climate: A multilevel analysis. Learning and Individual Differences, 94, 102115.
Alzoubi, H. M., & Aziz, R. (2021). Does Emotional Intelligence Contribute to Quality of Strategic Decisions? The Mediating Role of Open Innovation. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(2), 130.
Barragán Martín, A. B., Molero Jurado, M. D. M., Pérez-Fuentes, M. D. C., Oropesa Ruiz, N. F., Martos Martínez, Á., Simón Márquez, M. D. M., & Gázquez Linares, J. J. (2021). Interpersonal Support, Emotional Intelligence and Family Function in Adolescence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), 5145.
Barragán Martín, A. B., Pérez-Fuentes, M. D. C., Molero Jurado, M. D. M., Martos Martínez, Á., Simón Márquez, M. D. M., Sisto, M., & Gázquez Linares, J. J. (2021). Emotional Intelligence and Academic Engagement in Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, Volume 14, 307–316.
Baudry, A., Grynberg, D., Dassonneville, C., Lelorain, S., & Christophe, V. (2018). Sub‐dimensions of trait emotional intelligence and health: A critical and systematic review of the literature. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 59(2), 206–222.
Borges Machín, A. Y., & González Bravo, Y. L. (2022). Educación comunitaria para un envejecimiento activo: Experiencia en construcción desde el autodesarrollo. Región Científica, 1(1), 202213.
Brackett, M. A., Bailey, C. S., Hoffmann, J. D., & Simmons, D. N. (2019). RULER: A Theory-Driven, Systemic Approach to Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning. Educational Psychologist, 54(3), 144–161.
Braun, S. S., Schonert-Reichl, K. A., & Roeser, R. W. (2020). Effects of teachers’ emotion regulation, burnout, and life satisfaction on student well-being. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 69, 101151.
Caena, F., & Vuorikari, R. (2022). Teacher learning and innovative professional development through the lens of the Personal, Social and Learning to Learn European key competence. European Journal of Teacher Education, 45(4), 456–475.
Chen, J., & Guo, W. (2020). Emotional intelligence can make a difference: The impact of principals’ emotional intelligence on teaching strategy mediated by instructional leadership. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 48(1), 82–105.
Cipriano, C., Barnes, T. N., Rivers, S. E., & Brackett, M. (2019). Exploring Changes in Student Engagement through the RULER Approach: An Examination of Students at Risk of Academic Failure. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR), 24(1), 1–19.
Cleary, M., Visentin, D., West, S., Lopez, V., & Kornhaber, R. (2018). Promoting emotional intelligence and resilience in undergraduate nursing students: An integrative review. Nurse Education Today, 68, 112–120.
Cromwell, A. (2019). How peace education motivates youth peacebuilding: Examples from Pakistan. International Journal of Educational Development, 66, 62–69.
Denston, A., Martin, R., Fickel, L., & O’Toole, V. (2022). Teachers’ perspectives of social-emotional learning: Informing the development of a linguistically and culturally responsive framework for social-emotional wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand. Teaching and Teacher Education, 117, 103813.
Elsbach, K. D., & Van Knippenberg, D. (2020). Creating High‐Impact Literature Reviews: An Argument for ‘Integrative Reviews’. Journal of Management Studies, 57(6), 1277–1289.
Fitzgerald, M. M., Shipman, K., Pauletic, M., Ellesworth, K., & Dymnicki, A. (2022). Promoting educator social emotional competence, well-being, and student–educator relationships: A pilot study. Mental Health & Prevention, 26, 200234.
Frenzel, A. C., Daniels, L., & Burić, I. (2021). Teacher emotions in the classroom and their implications for students. Educational Psychologist, 56(4), 250–264.
Ghita-Pirnuta, O.-A., & Cismaru, L. (2022). Developing the Emotional Intelligence of Millennial Students: A Teaching Strategy. Sustainability, 14(21), 13890.
Gómez Cano, C. A. (2022). Ingreso, permanencia y estrategias para el fomento de los Semilleros de Investigación en una IES de Colombia. Región Científica, 1(1), 20226.
Hoferichter, F., Hirvonen, R., & Kiuru, N. (2021). The development of school well-being in secondary school: High academic buoyancy and supportive class- and school climate as buffers. Learning and Instruction, 71, 101377.
Hora, M. T., Benbow, R. J., & Smolarek, B. B. (2018). Re-thinking Soft Skills and Student Employability: A New Paradigm for Undergraduate Education. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 50(6), 30–37.
Kamboj, K. P., & Garg, P. (2021). Teachers’ psychological well-being role of emotional intelligence and resilient character traits in determining the psychological well-being of Indian school teachers. International Journal of Educational Management, 35(4), 768–788.
Kang, D.-M. (2022). An Elementary School EFL Teacher’s Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Labor. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 21(1), 1–14.
Kim, M., Wagner, D., & Jin, Q. (2021). Tensions and Hopes for Embedding Peace and Sustainability in Science Education: Stories from Science Textbook Authors. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 21(3), 501–517.
Kopnina, H. (2020). Education for the future? Critical evaluation of education for sustainable development goals. The Journal of Environmental Education, 51(4), 280–291.
Lei, H., Cui, Y., & Chiu, M. M. (2018). The Relationship between Teacher Support and Students’ Academic Emotions: A Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2288.
Macgilchrist, F., Allert, H., & Bruch, A. (2020). Students and society in the 2020s. Three future ‘histories’ of education and technology. Learning, Media and Technology, 45(1), 76–89.
Martínez-Monteagudo, M. C., Inglés, C. J., Granados, L., Aparisi, D., & García-Fernández, J. M. (2019). Trait emotional intelligence profiles, burnout, anxiety, depression, and stress in secondary education teachers. Personality and Individual Differences, 142, 53–61.
McCallops, K., Barnes, T. N., Berte, I., Fenniman, J., Jones, I., Navon, R., & Nelson, M. (2019). Incorporating culturally responsive pedagogy within social-emotional learning interventions in urban schools: An international systematic review. International Journal of Educational Research, 94, 11–28.
McKown, C. (2019). Challenges and Opportunities in the Applied Assessment of Student Social and Emotional Learning. Educational Psychologist, 54(3), 205–221.
Naylor, D., & Nyanjom, J. (2021). Educators’ emotions involved in the transition to online teaching in higher education. Higher Education Research & Development, 40(6), 1236–1250.
Nickerson, A. B., Fredrick, S. S., Allen, K. P., & Jenkins, L. N. (2019). Social emotional learning (SEL) practices in schools: Effects on perceptions of bullying victimization. Journal of School Psychology, 73, 74–88.
Okwuduba, E. N., Nwosu, K. C., Okigbo, E. C., Samuel, N. N., & Achugbu, C. (2021). Impact of intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional intelligence and self-directed learning on academic performance among pre-university science students. Heliyon, 7(3), e06611.
Panayiotou, M., Humphrey, N., & Wigelsworth, M. (2019). An empirical basis for linking social and emotional learning to academic performance. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 56, 193–204.
Pekrun, R. (2019). Inquiry on emotions in higher education: Progress and open problems. Studies in Higher Education, 44(10), 1806–1811.
Pekrun, R. (2021). Teachers need more than knowledge: Why motivation, emotion, and self-regulation are indispensable. Educational Psychologist, 56(4), 312–322.
Pérez Gamboa, A. J. (2022). La orientación educativa universitaria en Cuba: Situación actual en la formación no pedagógica. Conrado, 18(89), 75–86.
Pérez Gamboa, A. J., Echerri Garcés, D., & García Acevedo, Y. (2021). Proyecto de vida como categoría de la pedagogía de la Educación Superior: Aproximaciones a una teoría fundamentada. Transformación, 17(3), 542–563.
Puertas Molero, P., Zurita Ortega, F., Ubago Jiménez, J. L., & González Valero, G. (2019). Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Burnout Syndrome on Teachers Well-Being: A Systematic Review. Social Sciences, 8(6), 185.
Ricardo Jiménez, L. S. (2022). Dimensiones de emprendimiento: Relación educativa. El caso del programa cumbre. Región Científica, 1(1), 202210.
Roth, C. G., Eldin, K. W., Padmanabhan, V., & Friedman, E. M. (2019). Twelve tips for the introduction of emotional intelligence in medical education. Medical Teacher, 41(7), 746–749.
Ryan, T., & Henderson, M. (2018). Feeling feedback: Students’ emotional responses to educator feedback. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 43(6), 880–892.
Sanabria Martínez, M. J. (2022). Construir nuevos espacios sostenibles respetando la diversidad cultural desde el nivel local. Región Científica, 1(1), 20222.
Singla, D. R., Shinde, S., Patton, G., & Patel, V. (2021). The Mediating Effect of School Climate on Adolescent Mental Health: Findings From a Randomized Controlled Trial of a School-Wide Intervention. Journal of Adolescent Health, 69(1), 90–99.
Skura, M., & Świderska, J. (2022). The role of teachers’ emotional intelligence and social competences with special educational needs students. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 37(3), 401–416.
Tai, M. K., & Abdull Kareem, O. (2019). The relationship between emotional intelligence of school principals in managing change and teacher attitudes towards change. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 22(4), 469–485.
Thomas, C. L., & Allen, K. (2021). Driving engagement: Investigating the influence of emotional intelligence and academic buoyancy on student engagement. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 45(1), 107–119.
Valente, S., & Lourenço, A. A. (2020). Conflict in the Classroom: How Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence Influences Conflict Management. Frontiers in Education, 5, 5.
Valiente, C., Swanson, J., DeLay, D., Fraser, A. M., & Parker, J. H. (2020). Emotion-related socialization in the classroom: Considering the roles of teachers, peers, and the classroom context. Developmental Psychology, 56(3), 578–594.
Vesely-Maillefer, A. K., & Saklofske, D. H. (2018). Emotional Intelligence and the Next Generation of Teachers. En K. V. Keefer, J. D. A. Parker, & D. H. Saklofske (Eds.), Emotional Intelligence in Education (pp. 377–402). Springer International Publishing.
Wang, H., Hall, N. C., & King, R. B. (2021). A longitudinal investigation of teachers’ emotional labor, well-being, and perceived student engagement. Educational Psychology, 41(10), 1319–1336.
Williamson, B., Eynon, R., & Potter, J. (2020). Pandemic politics, pedagogies and practices: Digital technologies and distance education during the coronavirus emergency. Learning, Media and Technology, 45(2), 107–114.
Zhoc, K. C. H., King, R. B., Chung, T. S. H., & Chen, J. (2020). Emotionally intelligent students are more engaged and successful: Examining the role of emotional intelligence in higher education. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 35(4), 839–863.
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