Strategies for the comprehension and production of argumentative texts

  • Zahyra Camargo Martinez Universidad del Quindío
  • Miguel Ángel Caro Lopera Universidad del Quindío
  • Graciela Uribe Álvarez Universidad del Quindío
Keywords: Argumentative texts, teaching learning process, comprehension, production, strategies


  This article proposes ten strategies for the comprehension and production of argumentative texts as a result of the research conducted by the Native Language and literature (dilemma) didactics group and a team formed by students of the Spanish and Literature Program; and teachers in (2008,2009); this investigative experience was developed as a complement of another project forwarded by the same group around strategies for the comprehension and production of expositive – explicative texts (2006 – 2007). These ten strategies, designed from a sociocultural approach, from a concept of didactics as a discipline of intervention and from the diverse theoretical legacies among which we highlight the old rhetoric and the Van Eemeren, Grootendorst and Snoeck pragma – dialectic proposals, search to arise reflection on classroom projects among Basic and Middle Education teachers in order to make possible the teaching of argumentative textual typology through the most known discursive genres. The aim is the promotion of the comprehensive reading and the antithetical texts writing stimulation fostering as well the analysis of the rhetorical discursive speeches, the approach of argumentative tacit texts, the rescuing of the analysis of the rhetorical fact as predecessor of argumentative texts writing, .the recuperation of the dispositio in the construction of argumentative texts, the recuperation of the epistolary genre with argumentative intentions, the redemption of the camel – lector avatar, the re signification of the debate discursive genre in the classroom and the persistence of evaluation from a qualitative criteria. 


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How to Cite
Camargo Martinez, Z., Caro LoperaM. Ángel, & Uribe ÁlvarezG. (2012). Strategies for the comprehension and production of argumentative texts. Sophia, 1(8), 120-136. Retrieved from
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