Service Ideal: Origins of the philosophical inadequacy of engineering

  • Dany Mauricio González Parra * (E) PhD en Filosofía. Magíster en Filosofía. Docente del Programa de Filosofía de la Universidad del Quindío. Líder del grupo de investigación Razones y Acciones.
  • Diego Fernando Jaramillo Patiño **Magíster en Filosofía. Docente del Programa de Ingeniería Electrónica de la Universidad del Quindío.
  • Álvaro González Osorio ***Magíster en Filosofía. Docente del Programa de Filosofía de la Universidad del Quindío.
Keywords: ethics, service ideal, inadequacy, axiology, engineering.


Engineering, as a profession, faces the difficulty of combining its body of knowledge with its ideal of service; relation that is clear in traditional professions such as medicine or law. This inadequacy is one of the main causes of the difficulty that is faced when trying to define engineering. In the present work it is argued that the origin of the inadequacy lies in the way in which it has been assumed that it should be carried out the reflection in the field of engineering ethics, which lacks from an axiological foundation and transcends the curricula of the different engineering programs. In order to support what is stated in the paper, (1) some of the main definitions of engineering are analyzed, (2) it is explained the aforementioned inadequacy, (3) it is presented the relation of this inadequacy with the absence of an axiological foundation of the reflection around the ethics of engineering.


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How to Cite
González Parra, D. M., Jaramillo Patiño, D. F., & González Osorio Álvaro. (2017). Service Ideal: Origins of the philosophical inadequacy of engineering. Sophia, 13(2), 40-45.
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