Genealogy of creative thinking and its need in university reality
In this article we review the foundational literature of the development of thought in interaction with creativity as an essentially human activity, analyzed in a university context. The research addresses a global university environment in which creativity, on the one hand, is strengthened by art and play, and on the other, due to globalized phenomena, is subjected to innovation, economic productivity and marketing, among others, which Modify the educational reality. The relevance of the study is in a situation of generational impact, given the increasing difficulty of university professors in attracting students to knowledge, since they are currently seduced by contemporary hedonism and social life.The research had a mixed method in the first stage by a hermeneutic activity, then deep interviews were conducted with specialized teachers who develop creative didactics, and finally two courses were conducted with teachers to put into practice the creative teaching proposal. As a main conclusion, it was argued that thought develops in relation to the type of society from which it emerges, and in the university classroom emanates from creativity. It is a dual activity, logical-emotional, and the result of this interaction flows knowledge as a social construction.Downloads
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