Curriculum configurations: training purposes and learning content

  • Alexander Luis Ortiz Ocaña Universidad del Magdalena
Keywords: Education, training, pedagogy, curriculum, didactics, teaching, learning, assessment


The concept of pedagogy, pedagogical subject and the pedagogy as a science, discipline, knowledge and reflection, have been studied by many authors on all continents. This approach include the traditions of Germany, France, United States and Latin America. The conceptions of pedagogy have been set up throughout the history of education differ in the various regions and countries. This is why a thorough, detailed and profound analysis of the notion of pedagogy epistemic configuration requires to take into account not only the own epistemic from the same dimension but also its geographical dimension. This article reflects on the components of the curriculum: training purposes and content of learning. It is assumed that training purposes must guide the actions of learning and that learning contents are not beautiful or ugly, easy or difficult.


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Author Biography

Alexander Luis Ortiz Ocaña, Universidad del Magdalena
Docente de planta de tiempo completo de la Universidad del Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia. Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación. Profesor del Doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación RUDECOLOMBIA-Universidad del Magdalena, Colombia. ORCID:
How to Cite
Ortiz Ocaña, A. L. (2022). Curriculum configurations: training purposes and learning content . Sophia, 18(1).
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