Challenges towards the formation of the investigative spirit at Universidad la Gran Colombia - Armenia

  • Jaime Bejarano Alzate Universidad La Gran Colombia Seccional Armenia
  • Bibiana Vélez Medina Universidad La Gran Colombia Seccional Armenia
  • Juan Manuel Acevedo Carvajal Universidad La Gran Colombia Seccional Armenia
Keywords: Research, Quest Fields, Academic Communities, Research Projects, Research Formation


The main objective of this article is to make a reflection on the processes that have been forwarded around the research spirit at la Gran Colombia University Armenia headquarters, both to the theoretical as to the praxis levels as well as to postulate the systemic formation of teachers and students´ research, scientific, creative and critical thinking competences. There is also a necessity to continue consolidating the subject of investigation within the UGCA formal academic programs from the challenges we have been working on since 2009: configuring the research lines as fields of inquiry, converting the research groups into genuine academic communities; formulating long term research projects enabling to trace the future of the region, and to train the students on the competences demanded by a world of challenges and globalization.  


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How to Cite
Bejarano Alzate, J., Vélez Medina, B., & Acevedo Carvajal, J. M. (2012). Challenges towards the formation of the investigative spirit at Universidad la Gran Colombia - Armenia. Sophia, 1(8), 11-20. Retrieved from
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