Didactic engineering for the learning of the lineal function through the modeling of situations

  • Milton Cesar Campeón Becerra Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
  • Eliecer Aldana Bermudez Universidad del Quindio
  • Jhony Alexander Villa Ochoa
Keywords: Learning, linear function, didactic engineering, modeling, didactic situation.


This article analyzes the way students learn the concept of linear function from a didactic engineering, in which they will develop tasks of modeling situations in context. The main purpose is to enhance the learning of the concept of function through modeling Of situations, which is achieved through the confrontation between a priori and a posteriori conceptions of students in phase 4 of engineering. The methodology used, the instruments used and the objectives drawn make this a qualitative research given that it is not intended to evaluate models, nor validate hypotheses or preconceived theories to analyze them by mathematical methods. Among the results obtained, it was found that the difficulties related to the learning of the concept of linear function are associated with the transfer through the different semiotic registers of representation that it possesses, especially the transfer to the algebraic and graphical registers. It was concluded that it is indeed possible to achieve a learning of the concept of function in which students develop variational thinking through the recognition, perception and characterization of variation and change in different contexts, to model it, describe it and represent it using different semiotic registers, As proposed by the curriculum guidelines proposed by the Ministry of National Education. 


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How to Cite
Campeón Becerra, M. C., Aldana Bermudez, E., & Villa Ochoa, J. A. (2018). Didactic engineering for the learning of the lineal function through the modeling of situations. Sophia, 14(2), 115-126. https://doi.org/10.18634/sophiaj.14v.2i.629
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