The university professor: subject of human development in socially responsible contexts

  • Francisco Yusty Gerente Dynamix Consultores S.A.S.
  • Mario Alberto Álvarez López
Keywords: human development, university professor, social responsibility, education.


The purpose of this article is a reflection on the possibility of configuring university professors as subjects of human development, by placing them in a context of social responsibility with the emancipatory project and with the commitment to transform social reality.This deliberation has been installed as a result of research on the meaning of development that is present in educational bets (Institutional Educational Projects – PEI, for their initials in Spanish) of the universities of the Valle del Cauca province, in an analytical, interpretative and critical perspective; with the call of contemporary authors and intellectuals of the social sciences and the humanities. University professors in the city of Cali have apparently become active agents of the prevailing economic model, distancing themselves from the budgets of human development. We propose here a socially responsible university professor, one capable of resisting market bets, by strengthening the humanistic approach envisioned in the paradigm of “Human Development.â€


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How to Cite
Yusty, F., & Álvarez LópezM. A. (2019). The university professor: subject of human development in socially responsible contexts. Sophia, 15(1), 83-96.
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